Be a donor
I would like to sahut slogan donate your organ. So people out there what do you think ? Are you ready for it?
Actually its a big difficulty to make a decision. Maybe takut lebih dari segala-galanya. Or tak sanggup jasad di godek selepas mati.. dan juga mendapat tentangan dari kluarga atau insan yang terdekat ?
Its about donate your organ, as commanly transplantated organ such a kidneys, liver, heart, lungs while the transplantable tissues are eyes cornea, bones, skin and heart valves for example.The process will begin after the body death are confirmed by two registered doctor and not involved in tranplant operation. Apa-apapun the last decision will also discuss with the relative.
Dont be scared !
Biasanya jasad penderma akan di bedah seperti pembedahan jasad yang hidup. Kemudinnya akan dijahit dengan kemas dan dengan pernuh hormat. Jasad kemudiannya akan dimandikan dan diserahkan kepada ahli keluarga si mati untuk upacara seterusnya.
Dari pandangan sudut agama takla pandai nak komen tetapi ianya harus dalam islam. Bagi agama lain pula, ia digalakkan dan menyokong pendermaan ini. I will listed the link, so u can review it more detail mengikut fatwa yang digariskan.
A simple way to registered...
Also u can get from (print, fill the blank and send it)
Get a registered card to keep
So everybody welcome to walks for a life dan sahut selogan Dermala Organ Demi Sebuah Kehidupan.